Electroceramics network

JECS Trust grants

The JECS Trust will sponsor 30 travel grants of 500 € for students, members of ECerS, attending both ElectroCeramics XIX Summer School and Conference.

Candidates must submit an application including a brief description of the thesis work and the reasons why he/she wishes to participate to the Summer School for 3rd July 2024 at the latest.

List of requested documents:

  • Copy of student card (Master/PhD/Post-Doc) or certificate from the University.
  • Proof of membership
  • Application form on one A4 page maximum with:
    o Description of thesis work (1/2 page maximum),
    o Justification of the attendance to the School (1/2 page maximum).


To be sent to electroceramics@ecers.org and to jecstrust@gmail.com 

Please note that all communication about the school should mention SCHOOL ElectroCeramics in object.

Deadline for application: 3rd July 2024


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Contact us for any information: electroceramics@ecers.org - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


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Electroceramics brings together scientists working in the filed of Electroceramics:

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Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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