Electroceramics network
Best Poster Contest
We are pleased to announce the organisation of a Best Poster Contest linked to the ElectroCeramics XIX conference.
This contest is open for all students attending the conference and with a poster accepted.
4 winners will be announced during the conference Gala Dinner that will be held on 21st August in the evening and will receive a prize money of 250 € each. The winners will be selected by a jury of 4 international senior scientists also attending the conference.
The following criteria will be taken into account to evaluate the posters:
- General presentation of the poster (including language)
- Originality of the subject and/or of the work
- Quality of the discussion and of the scientific argumentation
- General coherence of the poster
- Potential industrial valorisation perspectives
This contest is sponsored by the JECS Trust
Contact us for any information: electroceramics@ecers.org - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.