Electroceramics network

Electroceramics XVI conference

Electroceramics XVI was organised at the University of Hasselt (Belgium) from 9-12 July 2018.

It welcomed more than 200 scientists coming from 29 European and non-European countries, interested in electroceramics, whether they are theoreticians or experimentalists, industrial or academic researchers, seniors or students. 

The Conference provided an interdisciplinary forum to discuss topics covering all aspects of electroceramics: from bulk, to thin films, powders, nanomaterials, hybrids and composites; from modelling, synthesis, processing and properties to applications and functioning devices. The aim of the meeting is to stimulate all participants to share recent results, insights, questions and ideas on the advancement in the understanding and applications of electroceramics.

The 3 Keynote Speakers were:

  • Prof. dr. Jean-Marie Tarascon from Collège de France, Paris, France: Materials/synthesis approaches for better Li(Na)-ion batteries
  • Prof. dr. Barbara Malic from Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Synthesis and processing of lead-based and lead-free ferroelectrics: lessons learnt from bulk ceramics and thin-films
  • Prof. dr. Jacob Jones from North Carolina State University, USA: New ways to determine and describe ceramic dielectrics and piezoelectrics from diffraction and scattering

Prior to the conference, from 6 to 7 July 2018, an ECerS international summer school was organized for students – read the report on the summer school.


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