Electroceramics network

Summer School

The Summer School on "Advanced characterisation on Electroceramics" will be organised on 17th and 18th August at the Campus of Vilnius University.


The lecturers of the School will be:

  • Andreja Bencan - Institute Jožef Stefan, Slovenia: "Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques for Structural Characterization of Perovskite Ferroelectrics"
  • Jacob Jones - North Carolina State University, USA: "In Operando Diffraction of Electroceramics"
  • Vytautas Klimavičius - Vilnius University, Lithuania: "Solid state NMR for the characterization of  functional materials"
  • Jiri Kulda - Institute Laue-Langevin, France: "Functional materials characterisation by neutron scattering techniques"
  • Mantas Šimėnas - Vilnius University, Lithuania: "EPR of solid state materials and structural phase transitions"
  • Jūras Banys & Šarūnas Svirskas - Vilnius University, Lithuania: "Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of functional materials"


This Summer School will be a great opportunity to learn more about Electroceramics but also to exchange ideas with colleagues and lecturers taking part in the School. 

Programme of the School:


Address of the Summer School:

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
Saulėtekio av. 3, LT‐10257 Vilnius, Lithuania


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