Electroceramics network

Plenary and Invited Speakers


Plenary Speakers

Prof. Mari-Ann Einarsrud

Prof. Mari-Ann Einarsrud

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Narrative CV

"Nanostructured ferroelectric films by chemical solution deposition"

Prof. Harry L. Tuller

Prof. Harry L. Tuller

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Narrative CV

"Light and Chemical Modulation of Grain Boundaries and Electrochemical Interfaces: New Opportunities for Improved Energy Conversion Devices"

Prof. Hana Uršič

Prof. Hana Uršič

Institute Jožef Stefan,


Narrative CV

"Ceramic thick films; from powders toward functional elements"


Invited Speakers:

  • Dr. Miguel Alguero - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain: "Mechanism of ultrahigh electrostrain in Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3"
  • Prof. Andrew Bell - University of Leeds, UK: "A Comparison of the Low Temperature Dielectric Relaxations in Ferroelectrics, Relaxor-Ferroelectrics and Canonical Relaxors"
  • Prof. Andreja Bencan Golob - Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia: "Exploring Structure in Lead-Free Ferroelectrics at the Atomic Level"
  • Dr. Lucile Bernadet - IREC, Spain: "Thin films as key functional layers for reversible solid oxide cells"
  • Dr. Catherine Elissalde - ICMCB, France:"Interplay between chemistry and unconventional sintering processes to design electroceramics at low temperature"
  • Prof. Karsten Albe - TU Darmstadt, Germany: "Impact of doping conditions on the Fermi level in lead-free antiferroelectrics"
  • Prof. Jacob Jones - NC state University, USA: "Advancing Solid State Reaction Science Through in situ X-ray Diffraction and Processing Control"
  • Dr. Jari Juuti - University of Oulu, Finland: "Electroceramics by unconventionally low fabrication temperatures, current state and future perspectives"
  • Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa - Univeristy of Kyoto, Japan: "High-Entropy Oxide and Alloy Nanoparticles Synthesized by Continuous Supercritical Hydro/Solvothermal Flow Process"
  • Prof. Wojciech Kujawski - University of Torun, Poland: "Ceramics in membrane separation"
  • Prof. Jiri Kulda - Institute Laue-Langevin, France: "Insights from large throughput modelling accompanying diffuse scattering experiments"
  • Prof. Igor Lubomirsky - Weizmann Institute, Israel: "Lead-free Zr-doped ceria ceramics with low permittivity displaying giant electrostriction"
  • Prof. Mario Maglione - ICMCB, France: "Quantum effects in SrTiO3: old single crystals and novel hybrids"
  • Prof. Denis Meier - Norwegian University of Science and technology, Norway: "Oxygen defects and emergent electronics properties at charged interfaces in complex oxides"
  • Dr. Rotraut Merkle - Max Planck Institute, Germany: "Protons in fuel cell cathodes: why, how, and how many?"
  • Prof. Liliana Mitoseriu - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania: "Analysis of local vs. macroscopic properties of porous ferroelectrics based on 3D reconstructed ceramic microstructures"
  • Prof. Andrzej Molak - University of Silesia, Poland: "Electrical conductivity relaxation related to mixed valence ions and a structurally disordered state in Bi-Mn-O-based ceramics proposed for energy harvesting"
  • Prof. Arūnas Ramanavičius - Vilnius University, Lituania: "Electrically conducting ceramics in sensor design"
  • Prof. Sverre Magnus Selbach - NTNU, Norway: "Domain walls in non-perovskite ferroelectrics"
  • Prof. Hiroki Taniguchi - Nagoya University, Japan: "Optical control of dielectric permittivity in widegap aluminates"
  • Dr. Linas Vilčiauskas - FTMC, Lituania: "Phosphate Framework Materials for Aqueous Ion Insertion Batteries"

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