Electroceramics network

Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts is open: submit your abstract here!


We are encouraging abstracts submissions for oral and poster presentations in the following topics:

  • Synthesis, Processing
  • Theory and modelling
  • Structure-Property relations
  • Functionalities in electroceramics (piezoelectric, ferroelectric, magnetic, conductivity)
  • Applications of electroceramics (energy storage, generation, conversion, sensors)
  • MEMS, Tunable devices, thermistors, varistors

Extended deadline to submit your abstract is 17th May 2024!           


The submission of an abstract for Electroceramics XIX indicates an understanding of the following:

  • All author(s) approve the submission of the work for presentation
  • The author(s) indicate their preference for a poster or an oral communication
  • The abstract should consist of 300 words maximum (without title, author/s and affiliation) .
  • Two presentations maximum per participant are allowed.
  • Based on the scientific content and quality, the local scientific committee will select abstracts for either poster or oral communication in one of the scheduled symposia. They reserve the right to change a presentation, indicated for an oral communication, to a poster presentation.
  • If accepted for a presentation (poster or oral), the author(s) commit(s) to present at the conference the content communicated in the abstract and to keep the title unchanged.
  • At least one author is registered to present the abstract if selected for the program. The authors will immediately notify the Electroceramics XIX secretariat (electroceramics@ecers.org) if they are unable to present an abstract or if the presenting author has changed. In that case, the organisers reserve the right to remove a presentation from the program.


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Contact us for any information: electroceramics@ecers.org - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


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Electroceramics brings together scientists working in the filed of Electroceramics:

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Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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